The exhibition, set up at the Museo dell'Arte della Lana thanks to the collaboration of the Tramandiamo Laboratory, consists of hats that participated in the Necessary Accessory competition established by the Weaving Coordinating Association and the Textile Department of the Royal Academy of Antwerp in order to interpret an object emblematic of our dress.

Perhaps less necessary than before, the hat still lends itself to a thousand interpretations and the fifty-two works on display testify to it extensively. Accessorio Necessario is a competition for the third edition, created in 2008 thanks to the idea of ​​Angela Giordano - weaver of the Wool Museum of Art - to dedicate an exhibition to the scarf. Thanks to the synergy between experts in the field such as the Weaving Coordination, the teachers' council of the Royal Academy of Antwerp, art historians specialized in the history of fabric and costume, the competition has reached its third edition. The hats on show were created by artists, artisans and students of seven high schools specialized in fashion and fabric.

The exhibition can be visited during the opening hours of the Museum, until 18 September 2016.

Following are exhibitions at the Ecomuseum of the Leuman Village, the gallery of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp (Belgium), the Vicenza Fair at the "Abilmente" fair dedicated to manual creativity and finally at the Textile Museum of Busto Arsizio. Show Period From 18 June to 18 September 2016